My students & clients keep listening to solidify what they're already doing and to keep learning!
"My energy has improved dramatically, my hunger cues are returning, and I was able to work through the first day of my period instead of being in bed with a heating pad like I usually am."
Here's a well-kept secret: Your liver plays a BIG role in hormone balance, and supporting your liver helps improve periods, acne, PMS, and birth control recovery.
Grab this guide to start supporting your liver with simple action steps.
Nourish Your Hormones Course is the best place to start if you are ready to improve energy & balance hormones - it's my step-by-step method on YOUR time, with a built in community for support
Nourish Your Hormones isn't a quick fix - I teach you the building blocks to reduce stress in the body - the number one cause of hormone imbalance.
When your body starts to feel safe, it starts to work FOR you to balance hormones & energy & metabolism improve.
If you've tried birth control, supplements, whole 30, intermittent fasting etc and found that they weren't're right!
NYH is meant to be a step-by-step that you can maintain long term - without feeling restricted
Insurance doesn't tyically cover my services but often HSA/FSA or health sharing plans have covered coaching & labs for some of my clients.
Although everyone has a different history & different results, our bodies do work in similar ways and learning to create safety & nourish your body can make a BIG impact on symptoms, especially over time
I'll never promise you specific results, but I will support you in making the changes needed and troubleshooting along the way!