Loose Leaf Tea
Long Walks on the Beach
Soft Blankets & Cuddling my Kids

Coffee order

Hey I'm Leisha, RN, FDN-P, RCPC, & Holistic Hormone Coach

self-care favorites

I'm also a wife, mama of 3 busy little ones, enneagram 7, foodie, and a BIG fan of keeping things simple when it comes to health, nutrition and hormone balance. 

I've found that hormone balance doesn't have to be hard and that our hormones are a gift when we learn to understand & support our bodies in the way they were created to function. 

I'm passionate about supporting women to improve energy, restore metabolism, balance hormones, fix period and PMS symptoms, and ultimately feel GOOD in their bodies again so life can be joyful & you can be present. 

It's all possible, and I'm here to encourage you every step of the way. 

Cold brew or an iced lavender latte in the summer, or a latte with peppermint or cinnamon in the winter!

Travel to Australia
Scuba Diving 
Speak Spanish Fluently
Move to the Beach!

bucket list goals

fun facts!

did we get here?

So just how

From RN to Hormone Nerd...
it's been a journey!


After finding that nutrition and lifestyle changes not only made a huge difference in my health, but also in the health of both of my children, I was determined to make the switch from sick care to wellness care, and became certified as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and started Abundant Life Wellness. 

Shortly after I started health coaching I switched my focus to hormone health and simplifying hormone balance for women. Focusing on nourishment, creating simple routines that are sustainable, and helping mamas change not only their own health, but the health of generations to come is the mission of ALW and the growing team of coaches supporting my clients. 



During high school I got straight A's, played soccer, and had terrible migraines & chronic, severe acne. I kept being told "it's normal" and was prescribed multiple different medications to manage my symptoms...all while being told my nutrition & lifestyle didn't have anything to do with my symptoms. 

I worked hard to get through nursing school, graduated and got my RN license, and worked in the hospital for 10 years, working all over the hospital and in the ER. 

I was stressed and frustrated that I kept seeing my patients come back sicker, and my health wasn't improving either. 


I believe in simple, balanced healing

So often I see that when we go "all in" with health, it looks like diet plans, tons of supplements, juice fasts, 30 day fixes, and in my opinion, none of those work, and it can be discouraging to go through that pattern again and again without results.

Your hormones didn't get out of balance overnight, it has likely been years of birth control, skipping meals or diets, not enough sleep, having babies, and the stress of life that has gotten you to where you are now, and it's going to take time & support to see lasting change.

The good news? Our bodies are incredible and when we start to find the root cause, nourish your body in the way it was meant to be nourished, and create safety & resilience to stress, it's amazing to see how healing can occur.

1:1 Coaching

Nourish Your Hormones Course

let's give your hormones some love

ready for some real help?